Core Talk: a blog apple cider and health.

  • Recipe: Super Anti-Inflammatory ACV & Turmeric Shot

    Recipe: Super Anti-Inflammatory ACV & Turmeric Shot

    We hope you are keeping warm and away from Winter bugs! Did you know that your immune system lives in your gut? Check out my favourite recipe below that is sure to support healthy digestion, boost your immunity and warm your soul. Help us spread the message too – once you’ve made the shot, post…

  • Feeling Great: Apple Cider Vinegar and Acid-Alkaline Balance

    Feeling Great: Apple Cider Vinegar and Acid-Alkaline Balance

    Balance. Doesn’t it seem to be the thing we are all searching for? Balancing work and play, healthy eating and that good-looking cake, the ups and downs, high and lows the good with the bad. But when we find those moments of balance and flow doesn’t everything feel…well, better? Our bodies sure think so. The health…

  • How We Bottle Sunshine

    How We Bottle Sunshine

    How We Bottle Sunshine Here in New Zealand, we’ve just passed the longest day of the year. The Summer Solstice on December 22nd seemed like just another day in the rush up to Christmas. But for nature and particularly the apple tree, it’s a significant event. Because rather than our calendar year, it’s the actual…

  • Apple Cider Vinegar: A complete, organic stock drench

    Apple Cider Vinegar: A complete, organic stock drench

    The awesome health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar aren’t for people alone. Animals benefit too from this natural health tonic and is a safe, organic and cost-effective stock drench. CoralTree Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is produced from organically-grown apples (with most even being biodynamically grown). It comes to you in its purest form – without agricultural…

  • Treating Animals Organically with Apple Cider Vinegar

    Treating Animals Organically with Apple Cider Vinegar

    Stock drenching with organic Apple Cider Vinegar is a safe, robust and cost-effective method for increasing the overall health of your animals. But let’s take a look at some of the specific ways to treat animals with ACV. We’ll keep adding to this information but would like to thank  The Complete Cider Vinegar Book for…

  • Biodynamics: The best of nature for the best apple cider vinegar

    Biodynamics: The best of nature for the best apple cider vinegar

    We are on a bit of a mission at CoralTree. We are driven to help humanity tune into nature. We produce the very best organic apple cider vinegar and organic fruit juices by essentially bottling sunshine. That is capturing the very best of natural processes and making sure they get to you in the most…

  • Apple Harvest & Processing – Making Organic Apple Cider Vinegar: Video

    Apple Harvest & Processing – Making Organic Apple Cider Vinegar: Video

    It’s Autumn time here in New Zealand. Organic Apples are being hand-picked straight from the trees and taken to Coral Tree for processing on the brand new juice press machine. The apples are very sweet and have high brix levels. From here the apples are pressed to create a rich, flavorful apple juice, which then…

  • Apple Cider Vinegar & Heart Disease: The Medical Evidence

    Apple Cider Vinegar & Heart Disease: The Medical Evidence

    Did you know that you could prevent or improve heart disease with just two teaspoons of our apple cider vinegar a day? That’s cheaper than any medication available on the market! But you don’t just have to take our word for it. This fact has been proven by medical studies over and over again. One…

  • Apple Cider Vinegar and Weightloss with Miraculoss: Video

    Apple Cider Vinegar and Weightloss with Miraculoss: Video

    In this episode, Kim visits Fiona and Kimba from Mana Natural Health & Beauty to discuss how they use CoralTree’s Apple Cider Vinegar in their MiracuLoss Weight Loss programme. They also talk about why Apple Cider Vinegar is so important to restoring gut health, balancing digestion issues and resorting the body’s natural processes. If you…

  • Apple Cider Vinegar and Allergies: The Evidence

    Apple Cider Vinegar and Allergies: The Evidence

    An apple a day keeps the doctor away. This is such an old adage but still so accurate, even in the modern world. Fermenting that apple into apple cider vinegar? Even better! Vinegar has been used for centuries, all the way back to the time of Hippocrates for its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Fast forward…

  • Infection Prevention with Apple Cider Vinegar: The Evidence

    Infection Prevention with Apple Cider Vinegar: The Evidence

    We’ve all heard of the term ‘superfoods’ by now. But have you heard of ‘superliquid’? Well, if someone does come up with that list, we are sure that Apple Cider Vinegar would be on it. From controlling diabetes to preventing heart disease; helping people lose weight by curbing appetites and relieving allergies. The medical uses…

  • Singapore Food Event: Taste New Zealand Showcase

    Singapore Food Event: Taste New Zealand Showcase

    April 2017 Next month, CoralTree Organics founder Kim Baker is headed to Singapore for a very special event, showcasing the high quality and delicious food products and cuisine of our beautiful country, New Zealand! The Taste New Zealand Cold Storage Food Fair is an annual event that will take place this year between 23-29 May.…